Now days, RIM (Research in Motion) has launched the new Blackberry Bold 9700 Smartphone in India. The phone will be available in white color in the country carrying the features as in its black model. The price of this new Blackberry Bold 9700 is Rs. 31,900 in India.
It also has the auto-focus capability for the camera, GPS, WiFi, stereo Bluetooth, supporting 3G HSDPA networks gloablly, 256 MB on-board flash memory, microSD expansion to 32GB and is also equipped with high-performance 624 MHz processor.
Blackberry Bold 9700 weighs only 120 gms making it much attractive for usage. Blackberry 9700 features a 2.44" transmissive TFT display (at 480×360), a standard full QWERTY keyboard, 3.2 MP cameras with 2x zoom and video.
The Bold 9700 has a battery life of 6 hours talk time and stand by time of 21 days. The display of the phone is very good as the screen has got very high resolution and can support 65,000 colors.
It also has the auto-focus capability for the camera, GPS, WiFi, stereo Bluetooth, supporting 3G HSDPA networks gloablly, 256 MB on-board flash memory, microSD expansion to 32GB and is also equipped with high-performance 624 MHz processor.
Blackberry Bold 9700 weighs only 120 gms making it much attractive for usage. Blackberry 9700 features a 2.44" transmissive TFT display (at 480×360), a standard full QWERTY keyboard, 3.2 MP cameras with 2x zoom and video.
The Bold 9700 has a battery life of 6 hours talk time and stand by time of 21 days. The display of the phone is very good as the screen has got very high resolution and can support 65,000 colors.
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